I've been working on the downstairs room for my wife, so that she can finally have her craft room to make all her
etsy stuff. The problem I have been having is what to do with the floors. I had to rip out the original heart pine floors that were there because they were all rotten. I put a plywood subfloor on top of the original long plank subfloors, but then found out that any flooring I put on top would not match the height of the adjacent rooms floor. My only solution was that I would just have to put a threshold that would go from the higher height to the lower height of the original floors until I saw

These are a couple pictures from T
wice Remembered and she came up with a great solution. Just paint the subfloor!! What a great idea, and why did I never think about that. So I am going to email my wife and tell her if she likes this idea. I think she won't mind as anything is better than nothing. Although I was wondering if I should caulk the seems between the boards or would they contract and expand with the weather and push any filler out?