After much scraping and sweating I finally cleaned off a good 3 foot square area.
I swear I will never ever ever use linoleum in any house I ever buy again.
Another project I started was using Peel Away on my staircase. Peel Away seemed to work real well here. Of course it was only 2 layers of paint.
This was the Peel Away on my window case. The before is the white paint above and the after is the yellow paint below. For some reason every single paint stripper I have used can not penetrate through this layer of paint. I'm not sure if this is milk paint or something else, but it doesn't react to any paint stripper I know. All I know is that the only way I have gotten it off is by scraping it by hand and it just flakes off little by little. If anyone thinks they know what this is, please leave me a message. Even better, if you know how to take this off message me NOW!
Tomorrow it looks like I will be doing more of the same. I can never concentrate on doing one thing.
Oh just in case anyone is a big college football fan, this is where I am going tomorrow.
Go Noles!!!!!
2 comments on "Hodge podge of house work"
You might try a heat gun or silet paint remover (SPR). I've heard they both work great but have no experience with either.
Sounds a little like overkill, but I swear getting that hard to get off paint is easiest using a blow-torch. Heat up the paint in small sections, then scrape off. Did an entire door frame like this with about 8 coats of really old paint in two hours. Heat guns don't have enough BTUs.
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