Friday, February 23, 2007

Vagrants, Homeless and Bums Oh My!!!

Posted by Peter at Friday, February 23, 2007
If you live in a historic neighborhood which is coming up from the dumps, then you know what I am talking about. The vagrants that walk around your neighborhood looking for something to pawn. When I saw looking for something to pawn, I mean stuff that is mine!!! If you haven't read before some trash stole my little giant type ladder from me after I had left it out one day. Now let me tell you about this. This act of craziness makes me more mad then when my ladder was stolen. Here we go:

For the past year I have gotten into the hobby of gardening. Now I'm not a good one, but I have successfully grown peppers and stuff. So I went to Wal-mart to buy some garden supplies, pots, plants and a bag of soil. Went back home and opened the bag of soil, put the soil in the pots, put the plants in the pots and added water. Voila! simple gardening. Now tell me what you think these retards stole from me.....


Do you believe that? I went out the next day to go to work and noticed that something was wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it and then BAMM, my dirt, my DIRT, MY DIRT! You have got to be kidding me. They left everything else there that had monetary value. I even strategically placed a printer out on my porch, knowing that if it's in the trash it won't get taken as fast, BUT if you put it on your porch, you can damn well be sure it will be gone in the next 5 minutes. They skipped that and went for the dirt. I don't know what pawn shop would buy it or what person they would try to sell it too. It's just crazy. How the hell do you even think of doing that?? Anyways I at least got my strawberries planted before they stole the dirt. Damn them.

Oh yea, does anyone know of a way to construct a gate that will open when someone steps onto my porch? I know it would have to deal with lasers and such, but I am fostering a pitbull and would like to make use of her while I have her. The joy I would have to see their crack addicted ass running down the street with a black pit chasing them. I can only dream.

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