Monday, December 22, 2008

Is it winter yet?

Posted by Peter at Monday, December 22, 2008
I know I have heard about the blizzards in the northeast and how new orleans actually got some snow, but I have to wonder if winter will hit in Florida? So far this year there has probably been about 2 weeks of cold weather. Cold weather I mean where I would actually wear a pair of jeans and a jacket. Today it was 81, though it has started to get a little chilly tonight. I believe it is around the mid 50's, but I'm sure many of you would trade that temp for your first born. Anywhoo I wanted to brag to all the housebloggers that I was actually sweating today. Which isn't new in this neck of the woods. Hopefully winter will catch up to us.

1 comments on "Is it winter yet?"

Kelli on 10:44 AM said...

Nah, I think Florida will always be a haven from snowy weather. :)


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