Well Lita and I couldn't make a decision to what colors to paint our house. Especially with the front of the house stripped, painting will come up sooner than later. So what did we choose? Red? Green? Yellow????? Hell if we knew, so we hired a paint color person (don't know what you call them). All he did was show us colors for the interior of our house, even though we specifically called him to advise us on our exterior color. After about 20 minutes of him blabbing about our interior colors, I told him that we really called him to give us ideas about our EXTERIOR. So he goes on and talks about the exterior and having the exterior stripped and all. That went about 30 minutes. He finally talked about colors and asked us what we wanted to color it???? Isn't that the reason we called him? What the FUDGE was he out there for? Basically he came out talked to us about things we didn't want to talk about, then when he started talking about colors he asks us what we wanted to color it??? Very confusing and wasted lots of money for it. What was that $90 for anyways??? Oh well, we sent him on his way with no real decision.
After a couple days we came down to 2 colors we liked, a light blue green color and a darker blue color. Here are some pictures of our newly stripped house (well as much as could have been stripped in one week). I will have to try to get pictures of the colors we are thinking about.

before after

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