Well we went to North Carolina this past weekend. And the 8 hour drive from Florida to North Carolina was very refreshing, especially after the hard week we had before. We went to go visit the Biltmore and get some inspiration for our house. Needless to say all it did was get me depressed. My house, nor anyones house can compare to the Biltmore. I swear, they had one room where it was about 4 times the size of our house. I couldn't believe the size and detail that this house had. Was a very good visual of what houses were like back in the 1800's. Well I wanted to take pictures of the inside, but was told that I could not do that, so we only have pictures of the outside. But I did find some on the internet, so I will post those, even though that is not what it looked like when we went. Anyways the house seemed like it had 300 rooms. They had a room for everything, sleeping, bathroom, kitchen, canned food room, bottling room, planting room... you name it they had a room for it. This is one house I will put a bid on when I see it on the Asheville listing. Anyways here are our pictures:

Mrs. Vanderbilt's Room: Yes folks that is gold on the walls.

The Chandelier: This thing is 3 stories high!

The Dining Room
1 comments on "Back from the Biltmore"
my first look at your blog: congrats on your new home!
sanding. sanding? SANDING?! you should have stuck w/the soygel - everywhere. well, except the exterior.
you already did the windows, so you know it works. lay it on thick and don't let set for more than a day, if necessary. if you see dry spots before scraping, just use a water sprayer to gel it back up. use a large mop-handled squeegee to scrape it and just use a lined trash bin for the receptacle. close the door(s) off to the animals. come on - did the sander and clean-up really cost less with all those passes? would have been one day w/soy-gel.
just my $0.03.
good luck.
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