Well this past weekend I sanded the floors in the master bedroom and the ahllway upstairs. Lita had been bugging me for about 2 weeks to sand the hallway floors, because she didn't want the dogs eating anything off the floor. So on Saturday I decided to trek over to the local Home Depot and rent me a drum sander. Mind you I have never used a drum sander before and was very scared of it, but I did get to watch a neighbor of mine (Derek) use one and it didn't seem to hard. What I wanted to do is not take off too much because I wanted to keep it dark looking and old. So anyways, I went to drive to the Home Depot only to be greeted with massive traffic, with my luck I had forgotten it was the week of Florida-Georgia, the biggest outdoor cocktail party. But I still drudged forward and got there. First of all the drum sander is the heaviest thing I have ever lifted. I thought my 30-some inch tv was heavy, but this thing was like a friggin building. Well I got it home dragged it upstairs and started the bad boy up, I did my Our Fathers and set it down the first time. It went right to work and took off the paint and grime right off. I was happy! So after about 10 hours I had pretty much sanded the floors in the room and the hallway. The only bad thing was that the floors must not be too level, because there were areas where the sander didn't even touch it. I guess I will have to go over that with a hand sander and try to smooth it out. I'm not to worried though I want to give it that old home look, so if it's a little unlevel then oh well. Also I have decided to shellac the floor and see how that turns out, heard that it is easier to fix than poly (I have 5 dogs and 3 cats, I'm sure I will be fixing a lot). Well anyways here are the pictures over the weekend and maybe some other things as well:

Here is the hallway after the first pass

Here is the hallway after quite a few more.
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