Saturday, November 12, 2005

Who ya gonna call... Linoleum Busters!

Posted by Peter at Saturday, November 12, 2005
Here are more pics of me and Lee busting up linoleum:

Heres Lee using his 'Proto Gun' to blast the bugger away.

Here I am, not using a proton gun. I guess I haven't earned that yet.

Here's Lee again hard at work.

Here is the aftermath, only a little in the middle to do, but basically all done.

Here is what is left on some areas. Gummy black tar like substance, I hope it sands off easy.

Tomorrow: Demolition of our kitchen! And moving a wall back so that our kitchen will be way way bigger.... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

2 comments on "Who ya gonna call... Linoleum Busters!"

Jocelyn on 9:11 AM said...

Ok at the risk of sounding like a Mom- I have to say this, please wear some knee pads! You'll thank me when you are 50.

Anonymous said...

Just a word of awareness. The black tarry substance (adhesive) may get gooey in the heat of sanding. We had something similar but on concrete. We used Goof-Off to get rid of it. It was a long job, which I won't go into here because I'm so tired of telling the story and there is no short way to tell it.
Anyway, I admire all your hard work and am in awe of the beautiful results I see in these blogs. Good luck!


Restoration on 7th