Saturday, November 12, 2005

The PO's POed me!

Posted by Peter at Saturday, November 12, 2005
I guess you can tell that I am mad at what the previous owners did to the house. I decided to finally rip the pee soaked carpet in our living room yesterday. As I was in my Incredible Hulk stage, ripping at the carpet and foam pad, I was greeted by some mysterious padding.

It looks like it is some super linoleum.
It was very hard to get off, so I used my trusty new weapon... Lee, my next door neighbor.

Lee was a pro at attacking these new enemies of mine. We started at around 8 and worked our way all the way to 3 in the morning. It was a long and hard process of carefully prying them up but the end result was worth it. Hopefully I can rent the drum sander again and sand my way through the last bit of glue/tar like substance. If anyone has any idea what these are it would be great to know. One weird thing was that it wasn't one whole piece you had to strip.

It was actually individual square pieces with smaller square pieces in the middle. It must have been a back breaking experience putting this thing together. Too bad it was worse trying to take it off. The good thing is that we basically got all of it off, bad news is that I still have a dining room to go through as well. Oh and another bad thing I found, some of the floor was damaged by termites. So it looks like I will have to replace some pieces through out the floor. Guess I will have to salvage pieces from the back room .

This is what the floor looked like in the living room, nasty ole carpet with stains and all.

This was my first attempt at breaking through the piece of sh*t linoleum.

3 comments on "The PO's POed me!"

Anonymous said...

your adhesive is likely water soluble. 2qts hto could get off alot of adhesive. just put it on 1/16 thick and let it sit about 10 minutes. plus its alot safer if there is asbestos in the glue.

StuccoHouse on 9:39 PM said...

Actually looks like Congoleum. True linoleum is usually more flexible and I don't think it would shatter like that. You might consider an asbestos quality respirator when working with it. Both the tiles & glue could very likely have asbestos :-( Am interested to see what the floor looks like when you are done!

Anonymous said...

Look around at pawn shops and eBay for a gadget called a Wagner Power Scraper. It is no longer made but I found it great for dealing with the mastic (black stuff) and linoleum stuck to our pine kitchen floors. It is not a heat gun but a motorized reciprocating flat blade that goes very fast, makes lots of noise, and is really helpful. Also great for getting paint off of wood siding, etc.


Restoration on 7th