Monday, November 07, 2005

Peel Away part deaux

Posted by Peter at Monday, November 07, 2005
After using Peel Away on the siding and having sub-par results, I decided to use it on one of my upstairs windows sills and on the top of my columns (still don't know what it is called). This time though, I let it sit there for days, I had to make sure that none of it dried and after a few days I jump in and began to scrape. Well my observation was that it worked a lot better this time. The paper still didn't bring any paint up, but the paint was all gooey looking and came off pretty easily. You should see the amount and different color paints the previous PO's used. So now I am happy with my Peel Away (at first I thought I waste 30 some dollars on crap). So now I have used Peel Away, Soy Gel and common stripper from Home Depot. From my experience, Soy Gel seemed to work better and faster, plus it didn't nuke my hand like the other 2. I may have to try Peel Away 7, because that is non burning. So I guess that will be in another update later on. Something I did find, was that I hear that Peel Away 1 casuses the would to turn a darker color, but I didn't experience that at all. Maybe because you have to wait a couple days or something, but so far same colored wood. Anyways I will have to update pictures later. Now off to project #64373734224562 finishing the sanding of my floors, so that I can finally shellac the thing and not worry about it. You know people always say to do one project at a time, but I can't seem to stop jumping around. Hope I actually finish something soon. Well I did get the A/C and Heat done... of course I didn't do and still have to pay for that. Oh well, the house is calling.

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