Here is the master bedroom floors after all the hard work of sanding. As you can see there are some areas that the sander would not get to. Guess that's where the ole sweat work comes in handy.
The hallways leading to the master bedroom. I officially hate paint and gray painted substances.
Here I am inhaling massive amounts of lead paint and wood fibers. Kids: Say No To Lead!
Here is a little preview of what the floors looked like before. I had a better one but can't seem to find it anymore.
Here is what happened to me after inhaling all of the lead paint and wood fibers. For some reason I turned into Darth Vader and my pals turned into a bee, giraffe, and catwoman, I think.
2 comments on "More pictures of the sanded floor (and may the force be with you)"
The floor looks great. I think you can get an edge sander for the area near your baseboards. I can't wait until I've reached the point I can sand floors.
Hehe...Darth Vader, huh?
The floors look good. What did you end up putting on it for a finish?
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