Thursday, August 17, 2006

For Sale Buy Owner

Posted by Peter at Thursday, August 17, 2006
Yesterday after taking a look at the burned down house I decided to ride around the neighborhood looking for scraps of heartpine flooring or anything that some renovator was throwing out, like a vintage sink I found a few weeks back (I'll post pics of that later). As I was riding I saw a lot of houses that were for sale but ones that I never saw on the mls listing. Of course the reason why, was because they were all being sold by owner. After I rode by a few I figured I might as well take pictures of these houses and post them online. Maybe I will be fruitful in driving some interest into Springfield. I would at least be happy to see more 'normal' people, than the crazy ones. Here are some pictures:

This house needs some real TLC, but it looks like it would be a wonderful house.

Me and Lita actually looked at this house about 2 years ago. Looks nice outside, but the inside needs some serious work.

Another house that we looked at. Was in way better shape when we took a look, even though it was still in shambles. Had nice coffer ceiling and detail.

Another nice renovated home, only problem is that it is right across the street from a school.

Good looking house, I wonder how much they want?

Nice looking Spanish style home, I know Lita likes it.

This one was on the mls listing, but they wanted a lot of money for it. I bet they still do.

Another one for you DIYer's out there. This house would look great if done properly.

This one looked like it had been partially burned at one point, but it may still be salvageable. This is for you major DIYer's with big paychecks.

Another one of these victorianesque homes. I've seen the sign up for this one for a long time.

A small bungalow type home. I believe it is right across the street from the one above.

2 comments on "For Sale Buy Owner"

Ms. P in Jackson on 7:06 PM said...

The windows in the 8th picture are to die for. I can't believe that a house as neglected as it is still has these amazing windows in-tact.

Thanks for sharing the pics.

Anonymous said...

The pix of the houses is a great idea, but next time add the addresses and selling price for those of us who might actually be interested in purchasing one of these. Thanks.


Restoration on 7th