Thursday, April 08, 2010

Getting ready for cherry blooms

Posted by Peter at Thursday, April 08, 2010
Well last year at the 'Annual Flowering Tree Sale', I bought a redbud and yoshino cherry tree to plant in our front yard. Now for basics our front yard probably gets the most sun even though it is facing north. The south side of our house, which is normally the side with the most sun, is occupied by 3 large oak trees, a walnut tree, 2 palms, and a mulberry tree. So you can see that we get barely enough sun to grow weeds and such. The trees only cost $10 and they  usually have a whole assortment of different trees. I made sure to grab these two as they have nice pink and white flowers and don't grow as tall. I planted the redbud in our front yard and the yoshino cherry on the city owned area between the street and sidewalk. Unfortunately for the redbud we also happened to travel to Indonesia a month or two after planting and when we came back it was dead. But the cherry tree was still going strong. Now it's been planted there for over a year and finally after the cold winter we had, it looks like it will bloom. We also replaced the redbud with a Meyer's Lemon tree and hope to harvest a bunch of lemons later on to make some lemonade and cake. Anyways here are some pictures of the buds forming and about to bloom. This should be nice. Too bad the rest of our yard looks like trash.

3 comments on "Getting ready for cherry blooms"

cheap kitchens on 7:02 AM said...

no, I think your front yard look good with yoshino cherry tree. We still have a little work to do on our backyard today. I'll also complete that.

Home Renovation Raleigh NC on 3:15 AM said...

Good to know about cherry blooms i think your front yard looking Nice.
Thank you for post.

Anncash16 on 3:08 AM said...

You have a very nice home, as I see in your post. I love your spacious garden and you as being a tree lover.


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