Sunday, May 24, 2009

Shellacking the final upstairs bedroom

Posted by Peter at Sunday, May 24, 2009
Well yesterday I was removing the flooring from the downstairs room and today I am shellacking the last upstairs room. I know I know, I never finish what I start, but I'm the type of renovator that likes to do a little here and a little there. I know there are some of you like that out there, I read your blogs. Anyways I finished sanding the floors with a palm sander, vacuumed and cleaned the area as good as possible and started to put shellac on the baby room floor. Did I saw baby room.... YES! I am going to be a daddy in 7-8 months. So I need to finish this room as fast as possible. I know I haven't blogged in like ages and now all of a sudden I am a soon to be dad and blogging away. I guess that is how it works sometimes. But here are some pictures of the shellac on wood.

You can kind of see in the picture that part of the floor has a different tone. That is where the previous owners put down new pine next to the old. As you can tell they don't match up very well, but I am going to see if a few more coats of shellac might blend it in better. Then after that I will poly over it. I know most poeple don't like poly, but my wife insists that it have poly on it this time. So whatever wife says, I do. While this waits to dry I will be making more shellac.

2 comments on "Shellacking the final upstairs bedroom"

Kate H. on 12:13 PM said...

How did the poly over shellac work, now that you've had several months to test it out?

Peter on 12:15 PM said...

it's been doing good. though since we have dogs they have scratched it up some. I don't know if a new coat of poly will help that or not though.


Restoration on 7th