Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Kramer's Antique Improver??

Posted by Peter at Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Went to the antique store yesterday and saw a booth they had, advertising Kramer's Best Antique Improver. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried this stuff on their floors? I have a room that I have sanded but have not put anything on it as of yet (yes I am that lazy). I saw this stuff and read the back and saw where it says that it's good for floors as well. I've tried searching and haven't found anyone that has actually used this stuff yet. I've seen the examples they had at the booth and they look real good. The one reason why I am thinking about doing this, is because I have many animals in the house and using poly on the floors might not be a good thing, especially without anyone there to supervise. Also boarding them for a few days would cost me a bundle, so I am looking into this natural way of doing it. I have thought about shellac too, so that may be an option as well. If anyone knows anything about this please give me a feedback. Thanks a lot

1 comments on "Kramer's Antique Improver??"

Anonymous said...

Found your post while searching for the exact same answer. Did you decide to use the Kramer's or talk to anyone who did? I am looking for a wood restorer for 100 year old pine floors and this looks like a good albiet pricey product. Thanks for any input.


Restoration on 7th