Monday, August 22, 2005

Rotten fascia, soffits or whatever they're called

Posted by Peter at Monday, August 22, 2005
Well today I decided to take a break from the master bedroom and went to Home Depot. While there I looked around and found a bottle of Minwax Wood Hardener. Now what would I need wood hardener for???

For these:

Here I am looking at the rotten soffits, fascia or whatever you call them.

Now the good thing is that not all of them are bad. The bad part is that the bad ones are mostly the ones on the second floor, which is way high. The problem with that is, I am scared of heights. Guess I will have to get over that, but that will be another day.

2 comments on "Rotten fascia, soffits or whatever they're called"

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the rafter tails (the ones that are pointed out and down) or the wood sheathing that is underneath the roof shingles that is under the eave? I have found a few soft spots on my own rafter tails, and the wood hardener and bondo filler is the way to go (provided you make sure the water penetration has stopped). If it is the sheathing underneath the eaves, I would hire a roofer to pull back the shingles, and replace the wood-usually on a bungalow this is beaded board that is tongue in groove. Can you get a better picture- all kinds of free advice here on houseblogs.

Peter on 9:40 AM said...

Haha... I thought they were called soffits, but they are rafter tails. Guess you learn something everyday. People were telling me they were soffits. Now I know and knowing is half the battle.. G.I. JOE


Restoration on 7th