Friday, August 05, 2005


Posted by Peter at Friday, August 05, 2005
Well we talked to one of our neighbors yesterday about stripping and painting the exterior of our house. Half of our houses siding has actually been replaced with new wood from the previous owner. But we plan on stripping and painting the rest, even if it looks kind of weird. Well he quoted us for $5500 to do everything, but we haggled him down to $5000. I don't know if thats a great deal or not, but others have quoted us for $4000 just for stripping the remaining paint. But I can see why it would cost a lot, since there is a lot of detail on the half that needs stripping. Hopefully we can get our house painted soon, so that we won't be the only house not painted.

1 comments on "Siding"

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a good deal to me. We're painting in the spring and doing all of the prep work and haven't nailed down a plan for painting, but I think it would cost at least 30K to have the whole job hired out. The prep work is a killer and we're probably looking at 6K in paint alone at regular retail. But it's a pretty big house and we don't plan to pay regular retail.


Restoration on 7th